social construct:
a social mechanism, phenomenon, or category created and developed by society; a perception of an individual, group, or idea that is 'constructed' through cultural or social practice

Saturday, December 8, 2018
6 - 11pm
Hairpin Arts Center
2810 N. Milwaukee Ave. 2nd Floor
"Happy holidays" usually refers to the time between Thanksgiving and New Years Day, and is a way to acknowledge the plethora of holy happenings across all religious and secular peoples. There are countless ways that people celebrate "the holidays," but in America, a popular cultural trend is that of GIFT EXCHANGE.
Why do we exchange gifts?
One reason, is that a gift is a tangible representation of the love or gratitude you feel for another person. It is a way to acknowledge this love and give a physical reminder, a symbol, so that person can carry your love with them.
In a consumer-driven society, however, the lines begin to blur....the sales begin....the shopping starts....and we begin to engage in something very different. The reason for giving gifts gets over-simplified to "Well, I gotta get something for Dave if I got something for Linda", and we buy things from giant companies who did not make their items with love (except for a love for profit, perhaps).
On December 8, 2018, from 6pm - 11pm, THANK YOU will explore the concepts of gift-giving and hand-crafting.
We will use our own hands to create gifts. We will make treasure from trash. We will imbue lifeless materials with love. We will explore what it means to be a giver and a receiver. Each person will have the chance to exchange gifts with a stranger (what's a stranger anyway, but a friend not yet made?). We will eat together. We will explore gift-giving in the form of sharing stories and songs and random talents, for these are gifts too!
Local Chicago artisans will be selling their wares. If you are buying gifts this year, buy local! Support artists and craftspeople. If we don't support them, they will disappear, and Target & Friends will replace them all.
Please join us for an evening of merriment, hygge, and gift exchange! All are welcome. Come even if you know no one else going - you are invited!
6:00pm - 7:00pm: Happy Hour (free mulled wine during happy hour!)
6:00pm - 9:00pm: Gift-making; Dinner!
9:00pm: Stranger Gift Exchange!
9:15pm: Show & Tell! - Everyone is invited to participate in telling stories or jokes, sharing odd talents, playing songs; you can burp the alphabet, show us the gift you made, say a few words about the holidays; do a handstand, get everyone to pose for a picture; maybe your contribution will be to listen and witness everyone else; the list goes on!
There is a $1 - 20 sliding scale suggested donation to cover the cost of materials, although no one will be turned away. Libations will be available. There will be food - if you help serve it, you eat for free!
Thank You!