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2018 Connect-the-Dots Conversation Series

@ the Comfort Station, 2579 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647

Third Monday of each month, starting in March.

Imagination has been the womb for everything we know as "normal" today.

It is so easy to be born into this world and accept it all as "how it is." How rich would you be if you got a dollar for every time you heard "that'll never change!" As children, we are so innocent and open to learning about the world, and we generally assume that the humans around us speak truth. As we live life, we (hopefully) learn that there are many sides to a story and many experiences that are very different from our own.

In this conversation series, we will be exploring the BIG IDEAS that shape our culture. Love, Death, Relationships, Spirituality, Race, Gender, Sex, Self-Identity, Education, Work, Money, and more.... We will be examining the pop culture narrative, as well as sharing our own experiences, asking questions, and possibly re-defining our relationships with these ideas. We will explore how language can constrict or expand our ability to think about and understand the world, and we will talk about the possibility of a movement that can go beyond the current dualistic labels that seem to limit our imagination for a beautiful world.


ALL PEOPLE ARE WELCOME. Cheap cheese pizza and veggie snacks will be provided.


Monday, March 19, 2018, 7-9pm

Monday, April 16, 2018, 7-9pm

Monday, May 21, 2018, 7-9pm

More to come...

Connect-the-Dots is an ongoing series intended to recognize popular constructs within American culture - Race, Sexuality, Love, Freedom, etc. - and to look deeply at the many experiences and interpretations that come with each of these ideas. What parts of these concepts are real for us because we are aware and intentional in our lives, and what parts come from stories told to us by others? Connect-the-Dots will ask people to take a second look at their preconceived notions and become active participants in their thinking. For, we are what we think. And if we want to create a beautiful world to live in, it is going to take some out-of-the-box creative and critical thinking. 

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